/* style>body{ background-image: url('backgrounds/pixelated-background-design_1151-226.avif'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-size: cover; background-color: background-color: blue; } */

_.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._ ello ello elloelloelloelloelololololololololoololololo .-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._.-'"'-._

ulysses04's Website


This is some text outside the div element.

ulysses04's Website


Click to

ello-yet again

Neocities is pretty cool

flower1 flower2 flower3

list of cool stuffs

  1. soup
  2. noodles
  3. soup noodles

list of cool stuffs(v.2)

tester links

presssable buttonnnssss

:hohohohoh " type="video/mp4"> butterfly1 butterfly1 This is a sample scrolling text that has scrolls in the upper direction. This text will bounce